Copyright 2025 - Beith Golf Club (Est. 1896)


You must book to play using the Scottish Golf App no matter when you intend to play, and this includes the Saturday and Sunday morning competitions.

For Saturday and Sunday Competitions you will notice that some of the slots are marked "Reservation: Gents Competition in Progress" before 10:50am

This is to allow the guys teeing off earlier to get through the 10th tee before the next slot begins at the first.

Winter Competitions

The Winter League competition is not official, and won't affect your Handicap Index. This means there is no competition entry or score recording online.

There is no weekly sweep or twos prize on a Sunday.

To enter this winter competition you must apply as  team of two to the match committee. The best 5 scores over the winter from each of the two players is totalled and the highest score will win.
Weekly competition card entry consists of marking a card,  with each player clearly indicated in a particular column - It is requested that you try and enter one card per time slot, i.e 2, 3 or 4 players per card.

This card is to be put in the box which is underneath the bar after entering the scores into the system via the iPad, or phone, as normal.

The match committee will take responsibility for confirming the scores so please:
a) Make sure the Winter League handicap for all players in the group is on the card beside the name.
b) Record the number of strokes for all players in the group in separate columns- the Stableford points will be calculated by the computer.

Winter Course Rules

 Beith Golf Club operate 'Winter Rules' for all play to help protect the course while there is little or no growth on fairways, tees and greens.

No play from fairways unless played from a mat.

If you do not have a mat, you must take the ball 2 club lengths into the rough and place the ball.

If your ball lands anywhere that would normally be machine cut, you may place it. During the winter only, conditions are usually wet and plugged balls are common. It has been decided to allow ball placement on all cut areas.

If your ball lands in the rough, it must be played as it lies.

If your ball lies on the fairway beyond the white marker posts near the green, you may play the ball as it lies.

It is suggested that on the 1st, if you don't have a mat, that you go across to the right side of the fairway and place the ball there.

Please protect the course by adhering to these rules.